Xtrek is one of the all time classic games for X Windows. This release of the game at version 6.0 represents many months of work by various people at Carnegie Mellon University and the University of British Columbia, and in our not so humble opinion constitutes a major improvement over the previous versions. For those familiar with versions 4.0 and 5.4, much of the game remains on the surface the same : you still fly a ship 'round the galaxy blowing away your friends and conquering planets. However, where the old xtrek was cast in stone (or executable), this version is configurable in almost every respect from the power of your torpedoes to the number of planets in the galaxy. A whole new universe is only a few hours of configuration file hacking away...
NOTE: At release 6.1, our involvement with the code ends. If you are interested in becoming the next "keeper of the flame", please contact us so we can arrange a formal handoff of the code.
The basic object of the game is to conquer sixteen (by default - as with almost everything, this is configurable) planets for your empire. Of course, everyone else is trying to achieve the same objective, and that is where all of the fun comes in.